第七篇 大卫预表基督这真大卫─神要来之国的王

David Typifying Christ, the Real David— the King of the Coming Kingdom of God



壹 大卫预表基督这真大卫─撒上二一1~6,撒下二三1~7,太十二1~4:

I. David typifies Christ, the real David—1 Sam. 21:1-6; 2 Sam. 23:1-7; Matt. 12:1-4:

一 旧约中预表基督最透彻、时间最长的,就是大卫;新约里也很清楚地启示大卫预表基督─太十二3。

A. David is the most thorough type of Christ revealed in the Old Testament, covering the longest period of time; the New Testament also clearly reveals that David typifies Christ—Matt. 12:3.

二 马太十二章给我们看见,基督比一切预表更大,比旧约中一切预表祂的人事物更大,基于这原则,基督乃是更大的大卫:

B. In keeping with the principle seen in Matthew 12, that Christ is greater than all the types, greater than all things and persons in the Old Testament that typify Him, Christ is the greater David:

1 主在马太十二章三至四节的话含示祂是真大卫:─引用经文

1. The Lord's word in Matthew 12:3-4 implies that He is the real David:

a 大卫有跟从的人,基督这位真大卫也有门徒作跟从祂的人。

a. David had followers, and Christ, the real David, also had disciples as His followers.

b 这一切含示大卫和跟从他的人是基督和祂门徒的预表。

b. All of this implies that David and his followers were a type, a prefigure, of Christ and His disciples.

2 主在马太十二章三至四节的话也含示从祭司职分到君王职分时代的转换:─引用经文

2. The Lord's word in Matthew 12:3-4 also implies a dispensational change from the priesthood to the kingship:

a 大卫的来,转换了时代,将祭司时代转到君王时代,叫君王在祭司之上。

a. The coming of David changed the dispensation from the age of the priests to the age of the kings, in which the kings were above the priests.

b 借着基督的来,时代也转换了,这次是从律法时代转到恩典时代;这时基督是在一切之上。

b. By the coming of Christ, the dispensation was also changed, this time from the age of the law to the age of grace, in which Christ is above all.

c 在马太一章六节,称大卫为“王”,因为国度和君王的职分,是借着他带进的;他是两个时代的界碑,他结束了一个时代,开创了另一个时代。─引用经文

c. In Matthew 1:6 David is called "the king" because it was through him that the kingdom with the kingship was brought in; he was the landmark of two ages, the conclusion of one age and the beginning of another age.

三 诗篇二十二篇、一百零九篇和一百一十篇启示大卫预表受苦的基督:

C. David's typifying the suffering Christ is revealed in Psalms 22, 109, and 110:

1 在二十二篇我们看见,受苦的大卫预表经过死之受苦的基督─1节上、6~21节。

1. In Psalm 22 we see the suffering David typifying the suffering Christ passing through His death—vv. 1a, 6-21.

2 一百零九篇是大卫为他苦难所献的祷告:─引用经文

2. Psalm 109 is a prayer offered by David about his sufferings:

a 在此大卫是基督的预表,而大卫的苦难预表基督的苦难。

a. Here David is a type of Christ, and David's sufferings typify Christ's sufferings.

b 大卫为他苦难的祷告预表基督的祷告。

b. David's prayer concerning his sufferings typifies Christ's prayer.

3 一百零九篇的祷告在一百一十篇得着答应:─引用经文

3. The prayer in Psalm 109 is answered in Psalm 110:

a 既然一百一十篇是对一百零九篇里预表基督之大卫祷告的答应,一百一十篇就该视为对基督祷告的答应─来五7。

a. Since Psalm 110 is the answer to the prayer of David as a type of Christ in Psalm 109, Psalm 110 should be considered as an answer to Christ's prayer—Heb. 5:7.

b 神不仅借着基督的复活,也借着基督的升天答应这祷告─徒二23~24、32~33,五31。

b. God answered this prayer not only through the resurrection of Christ but also through Christ's ascension—Acts 2:23-24, 32-33; 5:31.

四 大卫在他末了的话里也预表基督─撒下二三1~7:

D. David also typifies Christ in his last words—2 Sam. 23:1-7:

1 大卫预表基督存着对神的敬畏,以公义治理人─3节下。

1. David, a type of Christ, ruled among men righteously with the fear of God—v. 3b.

2 大卫预表基督像日出无云的晨光─4节上。

2. David, a type of Christ, was like the light of the morning when the sun rises without clouds—v. 4a.

3 当基督存着对神的敬畏,以公义治理人,祂就像日出的晨光,“如雨后的晴光,使地发生嫩草”─4节下。

3. When Christ rules among men righteously with the fear of God, He is like the light of the morning when the sun rises, "as when the tender grass sprouts up from the earth ? At the sun's shining after a rain"—v. 4b.

贰 大卫王预表作王的基督─撒上十六12,撒下十六5~6,太一6,二2,二七11,启十九16:

II. David the king typifies Christ the King—1 Sam. 16:12; 2 Sam. 16:5-6; Matt. 1:6; 2:2; 27:11; Rev. 19:16:

一 大卫王预表基督─神要来之国的王─作为神所立的王,争战的王,人所厌弃的王─撒上十六12,撒下十六5~6:

A. King David typifies Christ—the King of the coming kingdom of God—as the king established by God, the warring king, and the king despised and rejected by men—1 Sam. 16:12; 2 Sam. 16:5-6:

1 基督由大卫所预表,是争战的王,祂胜过了一切仇敌,得着了土地,并预备了一切材料,以建造召会作神的殿─代上二一22~25,二九29。

1. As typified by David, Christ is the fighting King, who has won the victory over all His enemies, who has gained the land, and who has prepared all the materials for building up the church as the temple of God—1 Chron. 21:22-25; 29:29.

2 基督据有地以后,要在国度里作王管理地,同祂得胜的信徒治理列国─启二十4、6,二26~27。

2. After Christ takes possession of the earth, He will reign over the earth as the King in the kingdom, ruling over the nations with His overcoming believers—Rev. 20:4, 6; 2:26-27.

3 基督是要来的王,要在千年国时在神要来的国里作元首和中心;这将是以赛亚三十二章一节,耶利米二十三章五节,和撒迦利亚十四章九节、十七节的应验。─引用经文

3. As the coming King, Christ will be the Head and the center of the coming kingdom of God in the millennium; this will be the fulfillment of Isaiah 32:1, Jeremiah 23:5, and Zechariah 14:9 and 17.

二 众申言者说到大卫与基督时,将他们当作一个─耶三十9,结三四23~24,三七24~25,何三5,摩九11:

B. The prophets spoke of David and Christ as one—Jer. 30:9; Ezek. 34:23-24; 37:24-25; Hosea 3:5; Amos 9:11:

1 “他们却要服事耶和华他们的神,和我为他们所要兴起的王大卫”─耶三十9。

1. "They will serve Jehovah their God and David their King, whom I will raise up for them"—Jer. 30:9.

2 这是指基督,祂是真大卫;祂也是复兴时,即千年国时的王─赛三二1,启二十4、6。

2. This refers to Christ, who is the real David and who will be the King in the restoration, that is, the millennium—Isa. 32:1; Rev. 20:4, 6.

3 “我必立一牧人照管他们,牧养他们,就是我的仆人大卫;祂必牧养他们,作他们的牧人。……我的仆人大卫必在他们中间作首领”─结三四23~24:

3.  "I will set up over them one Shepherd, My Servant David, and He will feed them; He will feed them, and He will be their Shepherd… And My Servant David will be a Prince among them"—Ezek. 34:23-24:

a 大卫预表基督,神群羊的真牧人,喂养我们,使我们得饱足并满足─约十11,来十三20,赛九7,何三5,弥五2,路一32~33。

a. David typifies Christ, the real Shepherd of God's flock, feeding us and causing us to be filled and satisfied—John 10:11; Heb. 13:20; Isa. 9:7; Hosea 3:5; Micah 5:2; Luke 1:32-33.

b 当主耶稣来作牧人照料我们时,祂也来作王管理我们;主作牧人照料我们,结果使我们顺从祂为我们的王,服在祂的君王职分之下,顺从祂在我们里面的宝座。

b. When the Lord Jesus comes as the Shepherd to care for us, He comes also as the King to govern us; the issue of the Lord's caring for us as our Shepherd is that we obey Him as our King and come under His kingship and His throne within us.

4 “我的仆人大卫必作他们的王,他们众人必归一个牧人”─结三七24:

4. "My Servant David will be King over them, and they all will have one Shepherd"—Ezek. 37:24:

a 这是指我们的牧人基督,祂是真大卫。

a. This refers to Christ our Shepherd, who is the real David.

b 此处关于以色列的预言,要应验于千年国,就是复兴的时代,并应验于永世,就是新天新地。

b. In relation to Israel the prophecy given here will be fulfilled in the millennium, the age of restoration, and in eternity, in the new heaven and new earth.

5 “后来以色列人必归回,寻求他们的神耶和华,和他们的王大卫;在末后的日子,必心存敬畏归向耶和华,领受祂的美善”─何三5:

5. "Afterward the children of Israel will return and seek Jehovah their God and David their King, and they will come with fear to Jehovah and to His goodness in the last days"—Hosea 3:5:

a 他们的王大卫就是千年国里的基督。

a. David their King is Christ in the millennium.

b “末后的日子”指复兴的时代─太十九28。

b. The last days refers to the age of restoration—Matt. 19:28.

三 在主要来的掌权里,神的权柄和荣耀要完全得着显明,全地连同其上的人也要被带进神创造的公义、平安、喜乐以及完满的福分之中─六13,赛三二1、16~18,三五1~2、5~7。

C. In the Lord's upcoming reign God's authority and glory will be fully manifested, and the whole earth with its peoples will be brought into righteousness, peace, joy, and the full blessing of God's creation—6:13; Isa. 32:1, 16-18; 35:1-2, 5-7.

叁 大卫的国预表基督那要来的国─撒下七12、16,可十一10,启十一15:

III. The kingdom of David typifies the coming kingdom of Christ—2 Sam. 7:12, 16; Mark 11:10; Rev. 11:15:

一 耶和华借着申言者拿单对大卫说,“你的家和你的国必在你面前永远坚立;你的国位必永远坚定”─撒下七16:

A. Through the prophet Nathan, Jehovah spoke to David, saying, "Your house and your kingdom will be made sure forever before you; your throne will be established forever"—2 Sam. 7:16:

1 大卫的家指基督,大卫的国指基督的国,大卫的国位指基督的宝座─16节。

1. David's house refers to Christ, David's kingdom refers to Christ's kingdom, and David's throne refers to Christ's throne—v. 16.

2 大卫的国就是基督的国,大卫和基督同有一个国位(宝座)─赛九7,十六5,路一32,徒二29~31。

2. The kingdom of David is Christ's kingdom, and David and Christ have one throne—Isa. 9:7; 16:5; Luke 1:32; Acts 2:29-31.

3 天使长加百列传达神的话,也证实大卫的约要应验在基督身上─路一32~33。

3. The word of God conveyed by the archangel Gabriel also confirmed that the covenant of David will be fulfilled in Christ—Luke 1:32-33.

4 神应许大卫,他的家和他的国必永远坚立,他的国位也必永远坚定,这应许在基督身上都得着应验。

4. God's promise to David that his house and kingdom would be made sure and that his throne would be established forever was fulfilled in Christ.

5 基督要照着神所应许大卫的,继承大卫的王位,作雅各家的王,直到永远,祂的国也没有穷尽─32~33节:

5. Christ will inherit the throne of David according to the promise of God to David to reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end—vv. 32-33:

a 在来世千年国的属地部分,乃是弥赛亚国,在马太十三章四十一节称为人子的国(启十一15)。─引用经文

a. The earthly part of the millennial kingdom in the coming age will be the Messianic kingdom, which is called the kingdom of the Son of Man in Matthew 13:41 (Rev. 11:15).

b 这将是复兴的以色列国(徒一6),是主所要重新修造大卫的帐幕─大卫的国(十五16,可十一10)。─引用经文

b. This will be the restored kingdom of Israel (Acts 1:6), the tabernacle of David—the kingdom of David—which the Lord will rebuild (15:16; Mark 11:10).

二 阿摩司预言作王的基督必建立“大卫倒塌的帐幕”─摩九11:

B. Amos prophesied that, as the King, Christ will raise up the "fallen tabernacle of David"—Amos 9:11:

1 大卫的帐幕就是大卫的国和大卫的王室─撒下七12、16。

1. The tabernacle of David is the kingdom of David and the royal family of David—2 Sam. 7:12, 16.

2 当尼布甲尼撒来掳掠以色列国、蹂躏那地、焚烧城邑、毁坏圣殿、掳走君王的时候,大卫的国,他的王室就倒塌了─王下二五1~21。

2. That kingdom, that royal family, fell when Nebuchadnezzar came to capture the nation of Israel, devastate the land, burn the city, destroy the temple, and carry off the king—2 Kings 25:1-21.

3 在阿摩司的预言里,神应许有一日,大卫的国和大卫的家要得着复兴,万国必称为耶和华名下的国─摩九11~12。

3. In Amos's prophecy God promised that in a certain day the kingdom of David and the family of David would be restored, and all the nations would be called by the name of Jehovah—Amos 9:11-12.

4 这预言指明基督要回来作真大卫(赛九7,十六5,耶三十9,结三四23~24,三七24~25,何三5),并要重建(即恢复)祂先祖大卫的国,好复兴整个宇宙。─引用经文

4. This prophecy indicates that Christ will come back to be the real David (Isa. 9:7; 16:5; Jer. 30:9; Ezek. 34:23-24; 37:24-25; Hosea 3:5) and will rebuild, that is, restore, the kingdom of His forefather David for the restoration of the entire universe.

5 那时大卫的国要成为基督和神的国,直到永远─启十一15。

5. At that time the kingdom of David will become the kingdom of Christ and of God for eternity—Rev. 11:15.

6 在千年国期间,主要坐在大卫的宝座上,掌管雅各家(犹太人─路一32~33),并治理地上的列国(诗二8,七二8,但七14,二35)。─引用经文

6. The Lord will sit on the throne of David and reign over Jacob, that is, the Jewish people (Luke 1:32-33), and He will rule over the nations on earth during the millennium (Psa. 2:8; 72:8; Dan. 7:14; 2:35).
