第五篇 与亚玛力人争战

War with the Amalekites



壹 撒上十五章记载扫罗在征服亚玛力人的事上不顺从:

I. First Samuel 15 is a record of Saul's disobedience in his conquest of the Amalekites:

一 扫罗虽然征服了仇敌,但他完全不顺从神─7~9节。

A. He conquered the enemy, yet he was altogether disobedient to God—vv. 7-9.

二 扫罗在这里完全、彻底地被暴露,因而被神和撒母耳弃绝─14~26节。

B. Here Saul was absolutely and thoroughly exposed, and then he was given up by God and also by Samuel—vv. 14-26.

三 这章包含我们今天该学的一个重要的功课。

C. This chapter contains an important lesson for us today.

贰 按预表,亚玛力人表征肉体─堕落的人─出十七8~16:

II. In typology, the Amalekites signify the flesh—the fallen man—Exo. 17:8-16:

一 亚玛力人表征肉体,就是阻挠我们跟随主最主要的仇敌─8节,申二五17~18:

A. Amalek, the flesh, is the leading enemy in frustrating us from going on with the Lord—v. 8; Deut. 25:17-18:

1 “亚玛力”这名字的意思是好战,指明肉体好战、毁坏人、搅扰人。

1. The name Amalek means "warlike," indicating that the flesh is warlike, destructive, and disturbing.

2 最毁坏基督徒生活的就是肉体─彼前二11。

2. The greatest destroyer of the Christian life is the flesh—1 Pet. 2:11.

3 神不断与亚玛力人争战,这启示神如何憎恶肉体,要将肉体除灭净尽─出十七16,加五17。

3. The fact that God has a continual war with Amalek reveals that God hates the flesh and desires to exterminate it—Exo. 17:16; Gal. 5:17.

二 肉体指堕落旧人的总和,就是我们整个堕落的人─创六3,罗七18上,加二16:

B. The flesh denotes the totality of the fallen old man, our entire fallen being—Gen. 6:3; Rom. 7:18a; Gal. 2:16:

1 肉体是旧人的活出,旧人的表现─罗六6。

1. The flesh is the living out and the expression of the old man—Rom. 6:6.

2 肉体是与神为仇,肉体不服神的律法,肉体本身也不能服神的律法─八7。

2. The flesh is enmity against God, the flesh is not subject to God's law, and the flesh is not able to subject itself to God's law—8:7.

三 肉体是神仇敌的大本营,是神仇敌作工最大的根据地─加五19~21:

C. The flesh is the camp of God's enemy and the largest base for his work—Gal. 5:19-21:

1 就实际的意义说,在整个宇宙中,神唯一的仇敌不是撒但,乃是肉体─罗八7。

1. In the entire universe God's unique enemy, in a practical sense, is not Satan but the flesh—Rom. 8:7.

2 肉体,堕落的人,完全与撒但是一,被撒但用以抵抗神─太十六23,加五17。

2. The flesh, the fallen man, is absolutely one with Satan and is used by Satan to fight against God—Matt. 16:23; Gal. 5:17.

3 肉体是在我们一切的仇敌当中为首的;它领先于罪、世界和撒但,与我们争战─罗八3。

3. The flesh is the first among our enemies, taking the lead over sin, the world, and Satan to fight against us—Rom. 8:3.

4 神如何憎恶撒但,也如何憎恶肉体;祂如何要除灭撒但,也如何要除灭肉体─出十七16,申二五17~19,撒上十五2~3。

4. God hates the flesh in the same manner that He hates Satan, and He wants to destroy the flesh in the same manner that He wants to destroy Satan—Exo. 17:16; Deut. 25:17-19; 1 Sam. 15:2-3.

四 亚玛力人有敌挡主宝座的手─出十七16,撒上十五22~23:

D. With Amalek there is a hand against the throne of the Lord—Exo. 17:16; 1 Sam. 15:22-23:

1 亚玛力人想要推翻神的宝座,正如撒但从前想要作的一样─出十七8、16。

1. Amalek tried to overthrow God's throne, just as Satan once tried to do—Exo. 17:8, 16.

2 肉体和撒但一样,敌挡神的权柄─赛十四12~14:

2. Like Satan himself, the flesh is against God's authority—Isa. 14:12-14:

a 肉体是背叛神的,并且敌挡神的宝座。

a. The flesh is in rebellion against God and against His throne.

b 无论神有什么行政,肉体总是反对。

b. Whatever God does governmentally, the flesh opposes it.

3 我们的肉体是神权柄的仇敌,背叛神的行政管理:

3. Our flesh is an enemy of God's authority and is in rebellion against God's governmental administration:

a 肉体最丑陋,因为它敌挡神的宝座、行政和计划─启四2,五6,弗三11。

a. The flesh is most ugly because it is against the throne, the administration, and the plan of God—Rev. 4:2; 5:6; Eph. 3:11.

b 肉体的每一面,不论是好是坏,都是神权柄的仇敌。

b. Every aspect of our flesh, whether good or evil, is an enemy of God's authority.

c 凡出于肉体的,都敌挡神的宝座;神的仇敌,那狡猾者撒但,会利用肉体拦阻神的定旨─林后二11。

c. Whatever is of the flesh is against God's throne; it will be used by Satan, the subtle one, the enemy of God, to hinder God's purpose—2 Cor. 2:11.

五 肉体与君王职分相对:

E. The flesh is versus kingship:

1 哪里有肉体,哪里就不能有神的国。

1. Where the flesh is, there can be no kingdom of God.

2 故此,肉体必须彻底受对付,神的国才能来临。

2. For this reason, the flesh must be thoroughly dealt with before the kingdom of God can come.

叁 在撒上十五章二节,耶和华宣告说,为着亚玛力人与以色列人争战时向以色列人所作的,祂要惩罚他们:─引用经文

III. In 1 Samuel 15:2 Jehovah declared that He would punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they fought against Israel:

一 当以色列人前去达到神的目标时,亚玛力人与他们争战─出十七8~16,撒上十五2~3:

A. Amalek fought against the children of Israel as they were journeying to attain to God's goal—Exo. 17:8-16; 1 Sam. 15:2-3:

1 出埃及十七章八至十六节描述在与亚玛力人的争战中,摩西手里拿着神的杖,站在山顶上,约书亚与选出来的人出去和亚玛力人争战,并击败亚玛力人。─引用经文

1. In the war with Amalek described in Exodus 17:8-16, Moses stood on the top of the hill with the staff of God in his hand, and Joshua went out with chosen men to fight against, and to defeat, Amalek.

2 约书亚争战时,摩西就祷告。

2. While Joshua was fighting, Moses was praying.

3 约书亚击败了亚玛力人后,神宣告祂必“世世代代和亚玛力人争战”(16);这显示神将亚玛力人所引起的拦阻看得多么严重。─引用经文

3. After Joshua defeated Amalek, God declared that He would "have war with Amalek from generation to generation" (v. 16); this shows how seriously God regarded the frustration caused by the Amalekites.

二 出埃及十七章八至十三节给我们看见,如何与亚玛力人争战:─引用经文

B. Exodus 17:8-13 shows us how to fight against Amalek:

1 我们借着代求的基督和争战的灵而与亚玛力人争战─罗八34,来七25,加五17:

1. We fight against Amalek by the interceding Christ and the fighting Spirit—Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25; Gal. 5:17:

a 摩西在山顶举手,预表升天的基督在诸天之上代求─出十七9、11。

a. Moses lifting up his hand on the mountaintop typifies the ascended Christ interceding in the heavens—Exo. 17:9, 11.

b 约书亚与亚玛力人争战,预表内住的灵与肉体争战─9、13节。

b. Joshua fighting against Amalek typifies the indwelling Spirit fighting against the flesh—vv. 9, 13.

c 我们需要与代求的基督联合,好与争战的灵合作─西三1~3、5,罗八34、13,加五24、17。

c. We need to be in union with the interceding Christ in order to cooperate with the fighting Spirit—Col. 3:1-3, 5; Rom. 8:34, 13; Gal. 5:24, 17.

2 在与亚玛力人争战的事上,我们必须借着祷告并将肉体治死而与主合作─路十八1,帖前五17,罗八13,加五24:

2. In the battle against Amalek, we need to cooperate with the Lord by praying and by putting the flesh to death—Luke 18:1; 1 Thes. 5:17; Rom. 8:13; Gal. 5:24:

a 当我们祷告,我们就与代求的基督是一─罗八34。

a. When we pray, we are one with the interceding Christ—Rom. 8:34.

b 当我们治死肉体,我们就与争战的灵是一─加五17。

b. When we put the flesh to death, we are one with the fighting Spirit—Gal. 5:17.

c 一面,我们必须与基督一同祷告;另一面,我们必须凭争战的灵击杀肉体─24节。

c. On the one hand, we must pray with Christ; on the other hand, we must slay the flesh by the fighting Spirit—v. 24.

d 钉死旧人是神的责任;钉死肉体是我们的责任─罗六6,八13,加五24。

d. Crucifying the old man was God's responsibility; crucifying the flesh is our responsibility—Rom. 6:6; 8:13; Gal. 5:24.

肆 神吩咐扫罗“去击打亚玛力人”,并“灭绝他们所有的”,不可怜惜他们;但扫罗没有顺从耶和华的吩咐─撒上十五3~9:

IV. God commanded Saul to "strike the Amalekites" and to "utterly destroy all that they have" and not spare them, but he did not obey Jehovah's command—1 Sam. 15:3-9:

一 扫罗灭绝了亚玛力的众民,却怜惜亚甲王,也爱惜上好的羊、牛、肥畜、羊羔,并一切美物─7~9节。

A. Saul killed the Amalekites, but he spared Agag the king and the best of the sheep, the oxen, the fatlings, the lambs, and all that was good—vv. 7-9.

二 扫罗和百姓怜惜该灭绝之物中上好的,这描绘一个事实:在经历上我们宝贝自己肉体、天然生命好的方面,不想加以毁灭:

B. Saul and the people's sparing the best part of the things that they should have utterly destroyed portrays the fact that, experientially, we treasure the good aspects of our flesh, our natural life, and do not wish to destroy them:

1 我们在神的恩典以外,不倚靠祂、信靠祂,无论作什么,都是出于肉体的─腓三3~4。

1. Whatever we do apart from God's grace and apart from depending on Him and trusting in Him is of the flesh—Phil. 3:3-4.

2 肉体的每一面,无论是善或恶,都与恩典和神的国对抗,使我们不能享受基督;所以,我们必须恨恶肉体的每一面,在毁灭肉体的事上绝对─罗八13,加三3,五2~4。

2. Every aspect of the flesh, whether good or evil, is in opposition to grace and God's kingdom and keeps us from enjoying Christ; therefore, we must hate every aspect of the flesh and be absolute in destroying the flesh—Rom. 8:13; Gal. 3:3; 5:2-4.

三 神不要扫罗用上好的牛羊作祭物献给祂─撒上十五15:

C. God did not want Saul to use the best of the cattle as a sacrifice to Him—1 Sam. 15:15:

1 呈献给神的任何出自肉体之物,在神眼中乃是恶的─19节。

1. Anything presented and sacrificed to God that has its source in the flesh is evil in His sight—v. 19.

2 照我们自己的意愿向神献祭,乃是僭妄且有罪的─创四5,太七22~23。

2. To offer something to God according to our own will is presumptuous and is sinful—Gen. 4:5; Matt. 7:22-23.

伍 照我们自己的意愿行善,实际上是悖逆神宝座和祂经纶的行为─撒上十五22~23,出十七16:

V. Doing good according to our own will is actually an act of rebellion against God's throne and His economy—1 Sam. 15:22-23; Exo. 17:16:

一 扫罗的不顺从,暴露他是背叛神的人,也是神的仇敌─撒上二二17。

A. Saul's disobedience exposed him as being a rebel against God and an enemy of God—1 Sam. 22:17.

二 扫罗全然背叛神,完全不服神,不以神为他的王和他的元首。

B. Saul was utterly rebellious toward God; he had no subordination to God, nor did he take God as his King and Head.

三 他是由悖逆所构成的;这样的悖逆与拜偶像一样邪恶─十五23。

C. He was constituted with rebellion, which is as evil as the worship of idols—15:23.

四 扫罗所作的,与接触邪灵,要行邪灵的意愿而不行神的意愿,是同样的邪恶─23节。

D. What Saul did was as evil as contacting an evil spirit for the purpose of carrying out the intention of that spirit, not God's intention—v. 23.

五 一切的悖逆都是任意妄为,胆敢离开神而行事。

E. All rebellion is a matter of presumption, a matter of daring to do things without God.

陆 扫罗失去君王职分,因他没有灭尽亚玛力人─十五26、28:

VI. Saul lost his kingship because he did not utterly destroy Amalek—vv. 26, 28:

一 我们若在对付肉体的事上不绝对,就会像扫罗那样失去我们的君王职分─彼前二9,启一6,五10。

A. If we are not absolute in dealing with our flesh, we, like Saul, will lose our kingship—1 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:6; 5:10.

二 关于扫罗不顺从的记载乃是警告,指明我们不该在神的国里凭肉体作任何事;我们必须在凡事上,将我们的肉体钉十字架,并且忠信地运用我们的灵跟随主,祂就是住在我们灵里,与我们是一的赐生命、终极完成的灵─林前十五45,六17,提后四22,加五16、25。

B. The account of Saul's disobedience is a warning, indicating that we should not do anything in the kingdom of God by our flesh; in everything we must crucify our flesh and faithfully exercise our spirit to follow the Lord, who is the life-giving, consummated Spirit indwelling our spirit and who is one with us—1 Cor. 15:45; 6:17; 2 Tim. 4:22; Gal. 5:16, 25.

三 亚玛力人受到对付时,神的国就立刻进来─出十八1~26:

C. When Amalek is dealt with, the kingdom of God immediately comes in—Exo. 18:1-26:

1 神的国表明神的权柄,借这权柄使万有都归服神─可一15,约三3、5,启十一15,十二10,但二44。

1. The kingdom of God denotes the authority of God by which all things are made subject to God—Mark 1:15; John 3:3, 5; Rev. 11:15; 12:10; Dan. 2:44.

2 因着肉体与君王职分相对,只有当肉体彻底受了对付,神的国才能进来─林前六9~10,弗五5。

2. Because the flesh is versus the kingship, the flesh must be thoroughly dealt with before the kingdom of God can come in—1 Cor. 6:9-10; Eph. 5:5.

四 我们若遵照主的话,灭尽肉体,并照着灵生活行事,就会有君王职分并在神的国里─罗八4,十四17,加五19~21,彼后一5~11。

D. If we follow the Lord's word to utterly destroy the flesh and live and walk according to the spirit, we will have the kingship and will be in God's kingdom—Rom. 8:4; 14:17; Gal. 5:19-21; 2 Pet. 1:5-11.
