第十一篇 大卫与亚比该预表争战的基督与争战的召会

David and Abigail Typifying the Warring Christ and the Warring Church



壹 撒上二十五章一节下半至四十四节,记载大卫对付拿八和亚比该:─引用经文

I. First Samuel 25:1b-44 is a record of David's dealing with Nabal and Abigail:

一 在这章我们看见亚比该以智慧平息大卫─23~31节。

A. In this chapter we see Abigail's wisdom in appeasing David—vv. 23-31.

二 大卫回应亚比该的请求,颂赞耶和华,因为祂打发亚比该来迎接他;并称赞亚比该,因为她拦阻他流人的血,亲手报仇─32~35节。

B. David responded to Abigail's appeal by blessing Jehovah, who sent her to meet him, and also by blessing her, who kept him from entering into bloodshed and from avenging himself by his own hand—vv. 32-35.

三 亚比该的美丽和智慧夺了大卫的心;拿八死后,大卫就娶她为妻,她作了大卫争战中的配偶─36~44节。

C. Abigail's beauty and wisdom caught David, and after Nabal's death he took her as his wife, and she became his counterpart in warfare—vv. 36-44.

贰 大卫预表在苦难中争战的基督─28节:

II. David typifies the warring Christ in the midst of sufferings—v. 28:

一 大卫预表主耶稣复活以前,怎样作一个人在地上受苦;大卫的受苦是为着征服那些篡夺的仇敌,并得着美地,就是得着神建造的立场─诗六九1~9。

A. David typifies the Lord Jesus as a man in His suffering on earth before His resurrection; David's suffering was for the conquering of the usurping enemies and the gaining of the good land, the ground for God's building—Psa. 69:1-9.

二 大卫蒙神坚立,见于他一再胜过非利士人的事上;所以他预表战士基督─撒下五17~25。

B. David's being established by God is seen in his repeated victories over the Philistines; thus, he is a type of the warrior Christ—2 Sam. 5:17-25.

三 因着耶和华是战士,为我们争战,并且胜过我们一切的仇敌,所以祂是我们的得胜,是我们的胜利─出十七8~16。

C. Because Jehovah is the Warrior fighting the battle for us and triumphing over all our enemies, He is our triumph, our victory—Exo. 17:8-16.

四 诗篇一百一十篇五至六节启示,基督除了是君王和祭司以外,还是战士:─引用经文

D. Psalm 110:5-6 reveals that in addition to being the King and the Priest, Christ is the Warrior:

1 在基督回来时发怒的日子,祂将是最大的得胜者,胜过列国,打伤列王,打伤仇敌的头,并在所有反对祂的人身上施行审判─1~2、5~6节。

1. In the day of His anger at His coming back, Christ will be the greatest Victor, overcoming all the nations, shattering the kings and the head of the enemies, and executing judgment on all those who oppose Him—vv. 1-2, 5-6.

2 照着启示录十九章十一至十四节,在基督回来时,祂将是争战的一位:─引用经文

2. According to Revelation 19:11-14, in His coming back Christ will be the fighting One:

a 主不会单独与敌基督并列国的军队争战。

a. The Lord will not fight alone against Antichrist and the armies of the nations.

b 基督要同着作祂军队的新妇而来,并且祂要同着作祂军队的新妇,与敌基督和他的军队争战─7~9节。

b. Christ will come with His bride as His army, and with her He will fight against Antichrist and his armies—vv. 7-9.

五 作为战士的基督乃是得胜的基督─约十二31,弗四8,来二14:

E. The Warrior Christ is the victorious Christ—John 12:31; Eph. 4:8; Heb. 2:14:

1 得胜的基督在祂地上的职事里击败魔鬼,并消除魔鬼的作为─太四1~11,约壹三8。

1. In His earthly ministry the victorious Christ defeated the devil and destroyed his works—Matt. 4:1-11; 1 John 3:8.

2 得胜的基督在祂的钉死里赶出这世界的王,废除魔鬼,使执政的和掌权的被脱下,并且把死废掉─约十二31,太二七51,来二14,西二15,提后一10。

2. In His crucifixion the victorious Christ cast out the ruler of this world, destroyed the devil, caused the rulers and authorities to be stripped off, and nullified death—John 12:31; Matt. 27:51; Heb. 2:14; Col. 2:15; 2 Tim. 1:10.

3 得胜基督的复活宣告祂胜过了死─二8。

3. The resurrection of the victorious Christ declares that He is victorious over death—2:8.

4 得胜的基督在祂的升天里,“掳掠了那些被掳的”;祂释放我们脱离撒但霸占的手,将我们带到宇宙的至高之处─弗二6,四8。

4. In His ascension the victorious Christ "led captive those taken captive"; He released us from the usurping hand of Satan and brought us to the highest place in the universe—Eph. 2:6; 4:8.

5 得胜的基督要以作战将军、战士的身份,带着祂的军队,前来与敌基督和他以下的诸王,并他们的众军,在哈米吉顿争战─启十九11~21。

5. The victorious Christ will come as the fighting General, the Warrior, with His army to fight Antichrist, the kings under him, and their armies at Armageddon—Rev. 19:11-21.

叁 亚比该预表在苦难中争战的召会─撒上二五2~42:

III. Abigail typifies the warring church in the midst of sufferings—1 Sam. 25:2-42:

一 从撒上二十五章之后,亚比该一直在战士大卫的身边,一直跟着大卫作战─40~42节:

A. From 1 Samuel 25 onward, Abigail was always at the side of David the warrior and followed him in his wars—vv. 40-42:

1 亚比该嫁给大卫,是预表一个从军的召会─弗六10~20。

1. Abigail's marriage to David typifies the church enlisted as an army for warfare—Eph. 6:10-20.

2 亚比该预表争战的召会,在苦难中为神的国争战─启一9,十一15,十二10。

2. Abigail typifies the warring church, fighting for God's kingdom in the midst of sufferings—Rev. 1:9; 11:15; 12:10.

二 亚比该的预表描绘我们需要与受苦的基督是一─腓三10,西一24,启一9:

B. The type of Abigail portrays our need to be one with Christ in His sufferings—Phil. 3:10; Col. 1:24; Rev. 1:9:

1 基督的患难有两类:一类是为成功救赎,这已经由基督自己完成了;另一类是为产生并建造召会,这需要使徒和信徒将其补满─西一24。

1. The afflictions of Christ are of two categories: those for accomplishing redemption, which were completed by Christ Himself, and those for producing and building the church, which need to be filled up by the apostles and the believers—Col. 1:24.

2 保罗将基督的患难与神的管家职分相提并论,这指明唯有借着受苦才能尽管家的职分─25节:

2. The fact that Paul mentions the afflictions of Christ in connection with the stewardship of God indicates that the stewardship can be carried out only through suffering—v. 25:

a 我们若渴望有分于神的管家职分,就必须准备受苦─启一9,林后一3~6。

a. If we desire to share in the stewardship of God, we must be prepared to suffer—Rev. 1:9; 2 Cor. 1:3-6.

b 凡有分于召会的事奉,或有分于职事的人,都必须预备好同受管家的患难;这意思是说,为着尽管家的职分,我们必须甘愿付上任何必需的代价─四10~12,约十二24~26。

b. All those who participate in the service of the church or in the ministry must be ready to partake of the afflictions of a steward; this means that we must be willing to pay whatever price is necessary to fulfill our stewardship—4:10-12; John 12:24-26.

三 亚比该的预表描绘召会与主耶稣一同有分于属灵的争战─弗六10~20:

C. The type of Abigail portrays the church's participation with the Lord Jesus in spiritual warfare—Eph. 6:10-20:

1 召会作基督的配偶,祂的新妇,启示于以弗所五章二十五至二十七节;这配偶在六章十至十三节成了战士,争战者:─引用经文

1. The church as Christ's counterpart, His bride, is revealed in Ephesians 5:25-27, and this counterpart becomes the warrior, the fighter, in Ephesians 6:10-13:

a 以弗所五章和六章要应验于启示录十九章。

a. Ephesians 5 and 6 will be fulfilled in Revelation 19.

b 得胜者的总和成了新妇,作基督的配偶(7~9),而这配偶成了基督的军队,在哈米吉顿击败敌基督(11~21)。─引用经文

b. The totality of the overcomers becomes the bride to be the counterpart of Christ (vv. 7-9), and this counterpart becomes Christ's army to defeat Antichrist at Armageddon (vv. 11-21).

2 不仅神永远的定旨必须成就,祂的心愿必须得到满足,神的仇敌也必须被击败;为此,召会必须是战士─弗一11,三9~11,六10~12。

2. Not only must God's eternal purpose be fulfilled and the desire of His heart be satisfied, but God's enemy must be defeated; for this, the church must be a warrior—Eph. 1:11; 3:9-11; 6:10-12.

3 属灵的争战是必需的,因为撒但的意志在对抗神的意志─太六10,七21,赛十四12~14:

3. Spiritual warfare is necessary because Satan's will is set against God's will—Matt. 6:10; 7:21; Isa. 14:12-14:

a 属灵争战的源头,都在于神的意志与撒但意志之间的冲突。

a. Spiritual warfare has its source in the conflict between the divine will and the satanic will.

b 作为召会,我们的争战乃是要征服撒但的意志,并击败神的仇敌─启十二11。

b. As the church, our fighting is to subdue the satanic will and to defeat God's enemy—Rev. 12:11.

4 撒但惧怕作为基督身体的召会,就是团体的战士,与他和他的国争战─歌六10,弗六10~20。

4. Satan is terrified of the church as the Body of Christ, the corporate warrior fighting against him and his kingdom—S. S. 6:10; Eph. 6:10-20.

5 基督要迎娶那多年与神的仇敌争战的人─启十九7~9、11~16。

5. Christ will marry the one who has been fighting the battle against God's enemy for years—Rev. 19:7-9, 11-16.

6 构成基督新妇的得胜者,要与神的一切仇敌争战,并击败他们,以带进神的国─二7、11、17、26,三5、12、21,十一15,十二10。

6. The overcomers who constitute the bride of Christ fight the battle against all the enemies of God and defeat them in order to bring in the kingdom of God—2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21; 11:15; 12:10.

肆 亚比该的预表描绘信徒出到营外就了耶稣去,忍受祂所受的凌辱─来十三13:

IV. The type of Abigail portrays a believer who goes forth unto Jesus outside the camp, bearing His reproach—Heb. 13:13:

一 我们基督徒的生活有两面─里面的一面和外面的一面─六19~20,十三13:

A. Our Christian life has two aspects—an inward aspect and an outward aspect—Heb. 6:19-20; 13:13:

1 里面的一面是由书拉密女所预表,外面的一面是由亚比该所预表─歌六4、10、13,来十三13。

1. The inward aspect is typified by the Shulammite, and the outward aspect is typified by Abigail—S. S. 6:4, 10, 13; Heb. 13:13.

2 我们一面是在幔内,在至圣所里;一面是在城外,就是营外,在人的跟前─六19~20,十三13:

2. On the one hand, we are within the veil, in the Holy of Holies; on the other hand, we are outside the city, the camp, before men—Heb. 6:19-20; 13:13.

a 在里面我们享受复活的基督,在外面我们跟随耶稣─六19,十三13。

a. Inwardly, we enjoy the resurrected Christ, and outwardly, we follow Jesus—6:19; 13:13.

b 当我们在内室,在至圣所里,在隐密处摸着主,我们如同书拉密女─十19~20,歌一4,四10,六13。

b. When we touch the Lord in the inner chamber, in the Holy of Holies, in the secret place, we can be likened to the Shulammite—10:19-20; S. S. 1:4; 4:10; 6:13.

c 当我们在外面过生活,为主作见证,为主作工时,我们就像亚比该,和大卫一同在旷野飘泊─撒上二五40~42。

c. When we testify for the Lord and work for the Lord in our outward living, we can be likened to Abigail wandering with David in the wilderness—1 Sam. 25:40-42.

二 我们天天都能经历这两面─来六19~20,十19~20,十三13:

B. Every day we can experience these two aspects—Heb. 6:19-20; 10:19-20; 13:13:

1 我们如同书拉密女在幔内,在至圣所生活,享受复活得荣的基督;我们也如同亚比该出到营外,在世界里生活,跟从卑微的耶稣─六19~20,十三13。

1. We are within the veil as the Shulammite, living in the Holy of Holies and enjoying the resurrected and glorified Christ, and we are outside the camp as Abigail, living in the world and following the lowly Jesus—6:19-20; 13:13.

2 我们就像书拉密女和所罗门留在象牙宫中,在里面与主交通;我们也像亚比该跟随大卫争战并受苦,在外面生活、作工─诗四五8,撒上二五40~42。

2. Like the Shulammite and Solomon, we remain in the palaces of ivory and fellowship with the Lord inwardly, and like Abigail, we outwardly live and work by following David to war and suffering—Psa. 45:8; 1 Sam. 25:40-42.

3 在我们里面的是复活的基督,在我们外面的是拿撒勒人耶稣─启一17~18,太二23。

3. The One within us is the resurrected Christ, and the One without is Jesus the Nazarene—Rev. 1:17-18; Matt. 2:23.

4 在我们里面隐密处有书拉密女的享受,在我们外面明显处有亚比该的生活。

4. Inwardly, we have the enjoyment of the Shulammite in the secret place, and outwardly, we have the public living of Abigail.

三 当一个在基督里的信徒从幔内,从交通的内室出来,他才能走十字架的道路,跟随受苦的耶稣─来六19,十19~20,十三13:

C. When a believer in Christ comes out from within the veil, the inner chamber of fellowship, he is able to take the way of the cross and follow the suffering Jesus—Heb. 6:19; 10:19-20; 13:13:

1 只有那些进入幔内的人,才能出到营外就了耶稣去,忍受祂所受的凌辱─六19,十19~20,十三13。

1. Only those who enter within the veil can go forth unto Jesus outside the camp and bear His reproach—6:19; 10:19-20; 13:13.

2 乃是复活的基督在我们里面,带领我们跟随受苦的耶稣─13节。

2. It is the resurrected Christ in us who leads us to follow the suffering Jesus—v. 13.

3 主耶稣已经走过十字架的道路并进入复活,现今祂带领我们─祂的亚比该─走十字架的道路,跟随祂出到营外,忍受祂所受的凌辱─13节。

3. The Lord Jesus has walked the way of the cross and entered into resurrection, and now He is leading us, His Abigail, to take the way of the cross and follow Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach—v. 13.
